Responsável pela aprovação dos lasers nos EUA entre 1996 e 2000, apela agora ao fim do Lasik

Documentação entregue por Morris Waxler ao FDA em Janeiro deste ano, a apelar para que os lasers sejam retirados do mercado, e seja emitido um alerta público de forma a parar uma epidemia de problemas de visão.

Tabela - Valores em %.

Excerto da petição.
"Many thousands of eyes have been damaged beyond repair by LASIK devices since the 1990s. Approximately 700,000 eyes will receive refractive surgery with LASIK devices by the end of year 2011. Thus, more than four thousand six hundred (4,630) are projected to face blindness due to surgically thinned and bulging corneas (keratectasia). This is an addition to the many thousands of LASIK patients already suffering from keratectasia. In addition, more than 70,000 LASIK patients (140,000 eyes) will suffer by the end of 2011 with persistent adverse effects including but not limited to night vision disturbances, dry eye, glare, and halos. These LASIK-induced adverse events have occurred from using both early and late model LASIK technologies. Also, upwards of 43 percent of LASIK patients will be wearing corrective lenses 6 to 12 months after surgery and in about 7 years fifty-five percent will be unhappy with their vision and the number of eyes that lost 2 or more lines of visual acuity will have doubled."

Parte 1

Parte 2